Friday, April 20, 2012

Paying for it.....

I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning even though weigh in is tomorrow.  Since the Nutella disaster, I gained almost a pound.  ahjjlkdjjdjahjennaej!!!!!! That's me screaming my head off.  I wanted to cry.  Then I wanted to eat more Nutella.  But the rational side of me said, "You have WW meeting tomorrow with weigh in, don't do any MORE damage!"  Glad I listened, but it was tough.  I was ready to get a ladder out to get that Nutella I threw out of reach. 
Doesn't it stink when you choose to do something you know you shouldn't how long you pay for it??
I mean look at this.....
Sheesh. I need to remember this.. one Tbsp of nutella is like walking for 10 mins!
Really puts things into perspective. I don't want a temptation to get the best of me and throw away all my hard work.

Love, The Curvy Housewife

photo credit: me :)


Kendra said...

I was over 2 pounds heavier yesterday! A good workout and plenty of water evened everything out! Eat well today and get back on track. You can do this!!

Sharon said...

Hey there Adrienne, Haven't commented in awhile, but read every post. Wanted to ask if your hubby has had any luck with job hunting. Hope I haven't missed something! I'd had your family on my prayer list ever since you left TN and was just wondering. I am still so sorry things didn't work out here in MY state!

Adrienne said...

Hi Sharon!!! Thank you sooo much for the prayers! My husband starts working on May 1 at our church here in CA!!!! PTL :) sad we never got to meet.