Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Walking and My Food Diary

This morning I meant to wake up at 6:45am to do a Walk Away The Pounds video, but I didn't wake up until 7:20am!

So I made the hubby eggs and toast for breakfast, then made and packed his lunch (turkey sandwich with an egg on it, orange, peach, trail mix, tortilla chips).
After he left for work the boys were still asleep so I turned on the 20 min 1 mile walk and did it while listening to Pregtastic Podcast (one if my faves). 

Then I made myself coffee, read my bible and prayed. Wonderful morning. My dad bought me a prayer journal and gave it to me on Sunday & I LOVE it!! It's so therapeutic to write to God and pour my heart out. I get so distracted otherwise if I'm praying in my head. This is such a blessing and will do this from now on! 

The boys woke up & asked for Kix cereal. Could've been better but ill make them eggs for lunch. I'm going to attempt to make bone broth for stew today with the beef knuckles I bought. Lord help me. 

I have to cancel our YMCA membership because we are putting the boys in Karate, and sometimes, ok always, you make sacrifices for your kids. Plus I hate going anywhere lately so we haven't been going much. I'm gonna do the walking videos as often as I can. It's not a bad work out! Granted its not running 3 miles (can NOT WAIT TO RUN) but its something. 

Good news: I've gained only 1 lbs in 3 weeks. Thank you Jesus. Gotta keep it up. 

For accountability I'm gonna post my fitness pal food journal often so I will 1. Log and 2. Stay accountable. 

Yes cleaning is a work out. M Kay? 

Before anyone goes judging me....I already know my food isn't perfect at the moment! :-) Last night the boys had karate so we got home late and I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Oh well. It happens. I HAVE to make an effort to eat more veggies. I think I'll cut up some today. The stew will be loaded. I'm also going to start posting more food pics. 

Shane (5) is on the mat doing sit ups w the yellow belt above him. Shane loooves karate! Cody doesn't have the attention span yet so I think he will go back to gymnastics, which is constant motion.


Unknown said...

great idea to post your food diary!! I would love to see food pics from you!

The Skinny on Staci said...

I don't guess I'll ever have my food perfect. I think you usually put forth a great effort, though. And pregnancy is a hard time for anyone. Blah. Congrats on only 1 lb in 3 weeks. :)

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