Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bad News... Well.. just News.

6 1/2 Weeks pregnant
Yesterday the boys had a doctor appointment. I recently switched their doctor because we saw someone besides their normal doctor in April, and I loved him. He was so sweet and giving, he would check Shane even when I didn't pay for him to be seen as well. He is English, so he is naturally funny to listen to. Davey really liked him too. The first time we saw him was April 30, the day before my tri. I noticed a nice road bike in his office, and I asked him if that was his, he said yes that he rides around work on his breaks and things. I told him I was doing a tri the next day and he got all excited and said, "That's my sport!" He told me he use to weight 70-80 pounds more. He started losing weight, and then he broke his ankle, so he began to swim. That is how he started competing in triathlons. He started doing several sprints, then Olympic, now long courses.
So yesterday I told him we are expecting again and asked if I could do the June 5 Triathlon still. He said, "Absolutely not!!!!! What happens is you lose blood flow to the baby for those hours, which can cause miscarriage, or even worse, brain damage. You would not know anything was wrong with your baby until he/she was born." How devastating that would be! I read about some pregnant lady's doing triathlons, but they were in peak shape.. I still am not. He said anytime you are BREATHLESS it is restricting blood flow to the baby. I was really bummed! I told him I have been training and he cut me off and said, "You aren't losing your training. And it wasn't for nothing. You will still train by walking and swimming. Do the Disney 5k in September and walk it with your family." He then told me I need to: not eat ANY fast food, junk food, and watch my juice and milk. He said losing weight first comes by our diet, what we eat. Then we work out for our health. I know they both go together.
The book, "You! Having a baby." by Dr. Oz (recommended by a sweet friend that gained 80 pounds while pregnant, then lost it all! Then got pregnant again.. so now we are doing this together!) says you don't need to eat for 2... more like 1.1. Ten percent more than what you were before. That was helpful.
I am on the hunt for a good and tough sprint after I have the baby... probably April or May, maybe June 2011. For now, goal is to not gain weight, stay active and healthy.
This morning is my first pre-natal Dr. appointment! Hope to hear the heartbeat! Maybe two! ;p


Weightless said...

At least you didn't register for the June 5th tri and then have to waste your money... See God is always looking out for you! Staying active and eating healthy are the most important characteristics of being fit! At the beginning of your journey being fit was your main goal and I think it still is. Concentrate on that and you'll be fine! Hope the appointment goes well:)

blondevue... said...

I know your bummed about the tri's but that is so neat that your doctor was able to share all of that with you. How much better that you know NOW instead of after the baby is born. It really sounds like a blessing that you went in.
Is there a pool where you work out? Can you do the swimming and walking like he said was ok, there?
Love your posts, good hearing updates. Have a great Wednesday and a wonderful night at church. :)

Adrienne said...

Thanks Sara and Tori! :) Yes my gym has a pool. I will be walking a lot! :) It is a blessing that he told me! I am so thankful for that. I love the little baby so much! I never want to harm him/her. Appointment went well! Thank you!
Love you both!