Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tuesday's Two, Wednesday's Weigh In & Thankful Thursday

Tuesday's Two:
1. Weights to Strengthen my legs & hips.
Today was the first day I really worked on strength training my legs and hips. I usually do leg curls, and leg lifts for my Quads and Hamstrings, but today I really focused my work out on strengthening my muscles that will help me run strong.

2. Running for a cause.
The thought of my first 5K was so much more appealing knowing it would help raise money for the Fight against Brain Tumors. I know of a Pastor and his wife who spoke at our church in CA which lost their 4 year old son to a brain tumor. Sadly I didn't get to run that specific race. I think I have mentioned the Marathon I want to run in 2012....if it is. St. Jude's Marathon in Memphis TN. Seriously, even if I didn't live in Tennessee, this would be a race I would really want to run. And for it to be my first full marathon? That would be amazing. St. Jude's is the ONLY children's hospital to not turn away ANY child with cancer because of insurance or money. Being a mom to two (three) small boys, this hits close to home. NO child should die from Cancer because of money, and the parents shouldn't have the huge amount of debt hanging over them. During the marathon near the end several of the children patients come out and thank you for running and raising money for them. Tear. All. Ready.

Don't worry.... I am not about to start asking you all to give money.....(yet). ;-) JK!
Wednesday's Weigh In
Same as last week!! Good. Still one pound away from that dreaded T number. I figured in my head the other day... if I weigh 220 when I give birth (hopefully LESS!) I will lose about 15 of those right away, then a few more from breastfeeding and water weight going away.
I want to set a realistic goal of -7 pounds a month. By Nashville Country Music 1/2 on 4-28-12 I could be at 171!! That sounds good to me. :)

Thursday's Thankfulness
I am very thankful that the Lord provided a lot of things needed for the baby's nursery this week! I made some crafts, we bought paint (we are painting the room tomorrow), I got curtains, and a few needed items and finished our registry at Target. Here is a peek into the baby's nursery....:)

This may be a letter from his first name...or middle name...or I might be spelling "Cutie" or "Cowboy".....;-)

Love, The Curvy Housewife

1 comment:

AJ said...

You will LOVE the St. Jude Memphis Marathon weekend! It's touching, inspiring, fulfilling, and just an all around good time. The actual course is nice, too.

And stop fretting over the weight thing - you know you it'll come back off, especially with all the running goals you've set in your future! :)