Friday, October 14, 2011

32 Weeks Pregnant

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Wednesday's Weigh In
Up 2.8 pounds from last weigh in! Bringing my total gain to 16 pounds. I don't know why sometimes I gain 1/2 pound a week, others 1 pound, and some almost 3. I am happy my baby is growing and gaining weight. He sure is growing too, my stomach feels like it can't stretch anymore! But I know it will.

According to BabyCenter.Com a 32 week baby weighs about 3.75 lbs and is about 16.7 inches long! Whoo hoo! Grow baby Grow!!!

Some things I've been feeling lately: Guilt. Guilt that I am consumed with baby things when I have two precious boys already that need my attention. Guilt that I want a natural childbirth, but that at 16 weeks pregnant I had surgery and had to undergo Anastasia which my baby got and morphine after the surgery which my baby also got. I have been worried all that effected him in some way. I have also been feeling guilt that I am so excited and anxious for him to come that I am not enjoying these last few weeks with my boys and husband. I am working on that one!
7 weeks 6 days until he is born now! Still got a lot to do. Waiting for the right time and the funds to get the things I need so I can finish. :)

I have been loving my walks lately. I wish I didn't live 30 mins from the gym. It's so perfect, how I can put boys in the kids watch, which they love, then walk outside on the trail, in peace and quiet. I really enjoy praying, listening to "positive affirmations" on my HypnoBirth app, and listening to podcasts. It's so refreshing and peaceful.

My sister called this week and asked if she could be in the room when the baby was born. I of course said yes, but had to explain how I am planning a natural birth and that it will be very different that what we are both use to.
My husband seemed a little sad that it wasn't going to be just us two anymore, but I know in the time of it he will be glad I have someone else to encourage me and massage me, ect when he gets tired. He said he is fine with it because I'm the one giving the birth, but I am going to double check to make sure he's really ok with it.
I would love my sister to be there, but this was the first time we were going to be just us two. When Shane was born, I had my Mom, and Sister in law Karissa there. Then with Cody my good friend Vanessa. Those were both great experiences, but I had an epidural, so I was more social. This time it will take a lot of concentrating. If anyone would be in the room this time I'd want it to be my sister. I don't mind if she seems me not at my most conservative (I will be in and out of the tub), I know she will encourage me and rub my back and hair if I need her too. But I am also worried I may just want to be alone with my husband.
Have you always had someone besides your husband in the room with you?

Love, The Curvy Housewife

1 comment:

AJ said...

My husband didn't want anyone else in the room with us and initially I didn't either. But I knew that I wouldn't mind if my best friend or mom were there (but wasn't sure about it). We decided that we'd just keep them "on call" in case. My best friend had just had a C-section the week before so she couldn't be there anyway. Turns out my mom was the only one that made it to the hospital on time (you've read my very SHORT birth story hehe) and I was glad of it. Hubs held one leg and mom held the other. Was happy to have them both there to see The Boy come into the world. :)

So I'd say maybe let whoever you're thinking of having in the room know that you're thinking about it but may decide against it later. Have them come to the hospital and decide when you're "in it" whether or not you want them there. You really never know how labor's going to go anyway so you may change your mind seven times. :) But better to have them close by just in case. I'm sure they won't mind. :)