Friday, August 10, 2012

Weigh In & Dumb Internet!

Last week: 192.7
Today: 191.8
Loss- .9

Not as good as I hoped, but considering I have a clogged duct and excess weight {if you know what I mean} I'm ok with that.  And yes, still clogged milk duct, or infected Mammatory (is that the word?) gland. Pure pain. But next week, NEXT WEEK, I am praying to hit the 180's!!!! Wouldn't that be nice.

So my friend informed me that she googled "clogged milk duct" and under the images there was my sweet baby Reece!!! Stupid internet took my image from my last post and associated it with clogged milk duct. Apparently they can take any image they want.  I deleted the picture from my post but it STILL shows up on google! I feel so violated. I won't be posting pictures of my boys on here anymore I don't think.  Maybe I'll make a private picture account somehow.

I'm pretty upset with myself right now. Last night I made the mistake of going to the grocery store hungry.  I bought some cookies, chips and a lemon cake. Bad, bad, bad.  Last night I had a salad and half a roll. Weigh in was in the morning, I wasn't gonna blow it yet! As soon as I weighed myself I had a piece of the lemon cake. Blah. Want. To. Barf. Just have to record it, and move on!

I mentioned in my last post that I don't do well on the weekends, then Monday I struggle to back on track, then Tues-Thurs I am focused.  And for the most part I've been losing consistently. I wonder how I'd do if I did well Sat-Thursday! I am determined to do it this week.  I also haven't worked out in a couple months {hangs head in shame}.  But you know what? I have 3 little boys, a husband and a house that keeps me moving.  I sweat everyday {probably just the intense desert heat}.  Cleaning my house is a work out.  Ok ok, no excuses. But I'm actually fine with it. For now.  I am itching to run, just NOT in this 106 heat. My poor husband works outside all day.  I have NO clue how he does it.  He truly is a beast of a man. And pretty cute too. ;p

HERE'S TO THE 180'S!!! Then the 170' I can do this!

Love, The Curvy Housewife


The Skinny on Staci said...

My little girl is fine, now, by the way. I hate steroids, but they worked! Anyway, I had to do that clogged milk duct thing around the clock, every single feeding, for 48 hours before I had results. That is crazy about finding your son on Google after that! Yikes! I typed in my name on Google once, hit images, and all my foods came up!! LOL, how embarrassing for a fat gal! haha You are SO CLOSE to the 180s. Good going, girl. I agree - being a mom, wife, housekeeper, grocery shopper, etc is lots of tough work. Adding homeschooling only unraveled my entire life! Ugh! LOL But I wouldn't trade it. :)

Anonymous said...

You will get there!! The 180s are so close! You can do it!

Crazy on the picture.. I HATE when I find out my pictures have been used elsewhere. Glenn Beck took and used one of my pictures once (WITHOUT my permission).

Weightless said...

You're so close!

SeattleRunnerGirl said...

Keep it up! And don't ignore the clogged duct for too long - my friend ended up with an abscess and had to have surgery because of it! So keep an eye on it and consider having your doctor take a look...

Kelly said...

Hey - a loss is a loss! I think you did great!

Ryan.Perry said...

Congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the hard work! A minimal loss is better than no loss at all. One thing I’ve found to be extremely helpful and useful as a supplement to my current diet/exercise plan is Fullbar ( Their products (Fullbar shakes) have helped me lose weight and learn how to maintain that weight-loss.