I'm super excited about the gym classes! I just have this burning determination deep down in me this go round. It's HAPPENING.
I think crazy thoughts in my head like, "I'm eventually gonna teach Spin here. Hmm, what songs will I use? I don't like rap or cussing songs. But it does have to be fast, doesn't it? Oh I know, 80's music. Yes that's what I'll use."
For real.
I thought it again tonight. I tried Body Pump for the first time and LOVED it. It was super hard, but it was sooo good. So many squats my legs are JELLO.
I always hated weights because they were boring. But tonight's Body pump went by quick and there was good music, and I was like, "I'm gonna teach Body pump too. Yes, Body Pump and Spin. Oh and Step. Step is my favorite."
Bahaha! My crazy thoughts.
Seriously though, I've written before how I've always wanted to be an Aerobic instructor since I was a little girl. Wouldn't it be so fun?? All my friends were obsessed with Ace of Base and Cindy Lauper, and I was all like, "Denise Austin!!! I want to beeeee her!"
Wow. I'm not quite sure what's gotten into me. I'm so spunky right now.
Let me calm down.
Right. So, weigh in tomorrow! I know it's only been 4 days but I like Fridays as my weigh ins. Will update tomorrow!!!!
I leave you with my work out pics. Except for Monday's Zumba. No one wants to see that. And I definitely won't be teaching Zumba.
Tuesday 5:45am Step done. Whew!

Wednesday 9am cycle class..don't want to post the photo. It's just too hideous.
After tonight's 5:30pm Body Pump. Ouch. Ps TRY taking a selfie with out people seeing you do it. It's hard.

Ohhhh and. I had something to return to Old navy. So I got some work out tops. Neon of course.
Ooohhhhhh annnnd Weight Watchers saw me tweet using the #weightwatchers hashtag and sent me a tweet saying they wanted to send me a surprise! So I emailed them my address and she responded right away and told me to keep up the good work and I'll be getting a gift in the mail! How exciting!
Ok, finishing my water and gonna read a good book.
Love, The Curvy Housewife