Sunday, November 20, 2011


Oh boy. What to say?

The hard thing is I can't say anything quite yet. Something very unexpected happened to us on Friday. I can say, God is good. My husband is amazing, faithful and godly. My boys are happy and healthy (well except for this cold we have) and Baby O and Mama are just fine.

Sometimes curve balls are thrown our way in life, and it's all part of the journey. We certainly did NOT see this coming, we know God is in control, and it's all part of His divine plan. Big things are happening with my family and I will share soon. We have total faith in God that He has an amazing plan!!

Another unexpected event was waking up very sick yesterday. Blah! I tend to always get a terrible cold in the last month of pregnancy..but with only 18 days left until EDD it's a major bummer. Now I am hoping he stays in until Mama is better. Even though I was sick yesterday I made the mistake of going out and we did a bunch of ministry stuff all day, and it was cold outside. Now I am worse.

Sleep is TERRIBLE. I can not sleep. Baby seems to have gone back up, all into my rib cage, making it very hard to eat, breath, sleep, sit, lay down, you get the picture!!! I need to sleep! Zzzzzzzzz.
{Pity Party I know}.
My boys and I stayed home from church today because we are so sick. My husband has to work today even though he is getting the cold too. Poor guy.

On a pregnancy update: I have been getting tons of contractions. STRONG ones. Still not painful, but enough to take my breath away. I told Davey to be ready for an unexpected home birth because unless my water breaks (like usual) I won't believe it's the real thing until I'm in transition and it's too late. =D Hope that doesn't happen!

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow for my 37 week. Hopefully she will check me again and I will have made some progress....but right now with all that recently happened I am not as* anxious for Baby O to come early. I'll update soon with more details.

Love, The Curvy Housewife


Miz said...

sending you my thoughts and prayers that all all all this is GOOOD.

Christi said...

My prayers are coming your way.

Kelly said...

Hoping you won't have to be without sleep for too much longer.

Jennifer said...

not getting enough sleep is rough! Thinking of and praying for you and your family!

Weightless said...

Prayers for you and the family xoxo