Thursday, January 19, 2012


Time to face the numbers. No boys allowed to read this post.

I gained exactly 35 pounds while pregnant with Reece.

On Monday I had lost 13 of those pounds.

As of today I've lost 13.5 of those pounds.

I have 21.5 pounds to go to reach pre-pregnancy weight.

I have 70.5 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight of 144, which would mark a 100 pound loss. {you can do the math}.

Starting out slow is different. It's nice! I have been faithfully logging my calories. {It's not too pretty.} But I'm being honest & doing it.
Monday I was shocked to see I had eaten 3,000+ calories! I took lots of "bites" that added up.
Yesterday I walked 1 mile. My butt was aching, I got a side ache, & I was winded. What the heck?! It's just a mile... which makes me glad I'm not doing the Country Music half marathon in April like I'd planned.
I'm not sure if it was the walk, or unpacking a lot but I've started bleeding again. I'm a little concerned.
I'm ok right now with taking it slow, or more like a normal pace. I don't want to over do it.
I would like to reach my goal weight by this summer, but it's not likely, & it's ok.
It'll happen, no rush.

Love, The Curvy Housewife


Kelly said...

You are right - it will happen for you! I am positive it will. :)

Jamie said...

You are doing great!! Considering all of the factors that you have had going on lately. It will get back to your normal soon. Just keep it up!

Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Since I'm forever trying to lose the last 15 pounds I've gained over the past 5 years, I'll give you a tip on what's working for me. No fad diet, no calorie counting, no weighing myself, no focusing on things I can't eat. Just focus on healthy food, fresh food, yummy clean food and get in a good sweat every day if possible (except for Sunday). Good luck, you'll do it. :)