Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Life happens. Things get in the way. Before Paleo I had pretty good control over gaining weight if something came into life. But then you start eating a whole other way and BAM.

Someone broke into our van AGAIN. They didn't take anything this time. The first time they took $400 worth of stuff. This time they just threw everything around looking in all the compartments and drawers.  Yeah like I'd just leave things in the exact same spot again. Punks.

So I've been searching high and low for a nice house in a newer neighborhood.  Unfortunately with no luck in our budget.

It's crazy, if we bought a house here our mortgage would be $600 cheaper than what they ask for rent.  We can't buy right now due to our short sale.  Bummer!

Anyways, my father in law brought home a pie, and I ate a piece. 12 days with out any processed foods, sugar, or gluten.  The next morning I was soooo sick. Oh my.  Not fun.... That's what sugar and gluten does when your body is free from it. Crazy!

I'm trying to do my best eating sugar and gluten free, but we are heading out of town tomorrow for the holiday (can't wait to see you Grandma!).  When I get back home...Gizelle intensity baby.

I wanna see 175.

Love, The Curvy Housewife

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