Friday, April 12, 2013

Re-introducing Gluten

Please don't read this post if you are going to judge me :) Thank you! lol I know a lot of people are going to wonder why I would re-introduce gluten, and I's better for me with out it.  And no, I don't want to eat it all the time.  I know what it does to me.  I just want to be at the point where I can be exposed to it and be terrified of sickness. Or go eat out at a restaurant and not have to stress to them 500 times that they have to wash their pans before cooking my foods. 

So here's hows it going.  Last week I ate one Kit Kat bar my sis in law left, not realizing it had wheat in it. Two days later I had "gluten pain" and was hunched over on the potty.  A demented voice in my head said, " you've been exposed to it, maybe you should try eating a little bit every other day and see what happens."  Stupid voices with their ideas. ;)

So I did that.  I started with oatmeal.  Oatmeal doesn't actually have gluten in it but people with gluten intolerance can't it it because it's usually contaminated.  So I thought half a bowl, and we will see! Well a couple days later I was still pain free....Hmmmm.....So next time I added two bites of wheat bread and oatmeal.  Still went relatively pain free. {nothing major at all just a little painful gas here and there}. I also had a headache one night.  The next time was a bite of bagel, then 1/4 of my husbands burrito {which was amazing btw}, then a whole bagel, and last night corn bread with my chili.  So far so good and I'm kinda shocked.  I was very much anticipating much more pain & sickness. 

I've still been eating all my gluten free meals for the most part, and I will continue too.  I've been craving smoked cheese, orange juice, carrots and hummus like a mad women! That's been my staple as of the last few days.  And I still haven't had a donut! I'm proud of myself for that one....


The Skinny on Staci said...

I hope your body isn't too hard on you with the gluten. I know it would be really difficult to live GF in a world where there is so much to avoid! I know it's possible, but I still think it would be difficult. If you can tolerate small amounts, I wouldn't feel guilty at all.

Tammy said...

It's always best to live a balanced lifestyle. Sounds like that's what you're doing. Only you and God know your body. You'll know what you need to do. Prov 3:5-6.