Saturday, February 5, 2011

The day before my first Half Marathon****

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Yikes, yikes, yikes. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

That's what is going on in my head right now. I am so nervous, and anxious and excited, and scared!

20,000 runners. Plus spectators. This race is going to be..
A M A Z I N G. I'm so glad I get to be a part of it. I printed a course map, and highlighted all the restrooms. Yes, I am that lame. I've had two babies and my bladder is not so good at holding it. But with 20,000, how will I get a chance to pee? These are things that worry me.

I just had two pieces of white toast with butter and cinnamon. All day I will be drinking a lot of water and eating white carbohydrates. I think I have a mild case of IBS and with added anxiety from pre-race jitters, not good for the tummy. I read eating white carbohydrates that have less fiber are easier on the stomach before a race. Also no dairy or caffeine. Oops, how did that hot cup of coffee get on my desk? Oh c'mon. I am a Mom of two crazy boys that woke me up at 7:00am this morning. must. have. coffee.

You know what's stressing me out the most? That I can't find my chapstick, and I don't think we have any sunblock. Oh and the fact that our plans changed last minuet because the husband had to go to Fresno for a tractor class for work from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. The Expo closes at 5:00 pm so I am unable to pick up my packet for the race. Again, silly race doesn't allow packet pick up on race day. I was going to have to drive 2.5 hours yesterday with the boys to get my packet, than 2.5 hours back.

Well thank God for Twitter. I've "met" several people doing the race on there. One lady named Sheila [who totally rocks all her races and places in age group, she's training for Half Ironman 70.3 Oceanside which is in April], and I have been friends on Twitter for a while. I asked her if she could pick up my packet for me. She said yes. I had to go to a friends early yesterday morning, use their scanner to print and scan the signed waiver, my ID and permission letter for her to get it. Whew. Thank God she got it for me. But I am anxious to have it in my hand. I have to meet her at 6:00 am race morning at her running club tent to get it from her.

I've got my outfit all picked out [shirt is the race shirt, Sheila got me a Large, hoping it is true to size]. I've got all my nutrition: Shot Bloks, Gatorade fuel, Gatorade recovery, power bar, gu, and sport beans. I finished my playlist. I downloaded several Christian ladies podcasts to entertain me as well.

Davey should be home at 3:00 pm which puts us at Disneyland at 5:oo pm. At least we get about 4 hours there tonight. But I need to eat plain pasta and rice for dinner then head to bed around 10:00 pm to get good rest.

Of course I still have much to do before we go, such as pack and prepare food! I'll be thinking of you all during my race. See you at the finish line!

Love, The Curvy Housewife


Sheila said...

Be careful today, and don't do anything too different from your usual routine and diet. I mean, white carbs...sure...but don't overdo. You might find yourself having GI issues from too much of that, too. I personally don't eat the white carbs, since I just usually don't so my body is used to the brown/whole carbs. I just stick with what my system is used to. You don't need to do too much carbo loading for a half-marathon. And besides, most of your carbo loading is already done in the last two or three days, not the day before. Take it easy, chill out, relax, rest. Stick with the usual.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the pros say so, I just need to agree with them! Sheila knows her game! Just take it easy, relax and hydrate! And you're going to rock Surf City tomorrow :-)

Christi said...

I hope you have a great race! I will be cheering you on from Colorado Springs!

Adrienne said...

Thank you all! :)

Weightless said...

Can't wait to hear how it was today, I'm sure you had a great time. <3

Adrienne said...

The race is tomorrow! :)

californiadreamin said...

Good luck girly!! Your gonna do great!!!

Suzanne said...

Good luck! You'll do great!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Bridgette said...

Be blessed!

Adrienne said...

Thank you all! It was amazing.