I am really trying not to sound like a cheese ball right now.
But my life has changed so much this year, and I am so ready and excited for 2011. I am totally confident that I will reach goal this year. I am ready to blast this fat and be done with it.
Dear last fifty pounds,
You have been with me through thick and
The Curvy Housewife
My "fresh start" starts tomorrow. This break has been exactly what I needed to re-focus, consider my desires and goals, and plan ahead. I feel refreshed mentally and ready to lose this weight. Triathlon training gets more intense this month. I have laid it all out on two calendars. Yes I really need two. Here's what January will look like for the most part.
Sunday: 5:00 am Long Run 8,9,10, 11 & 12 miles. Followed by an at home Yoga session.
Monday: 9:00 am 1/2 mile swim~speed work, Yoga at gym at 10:00am, Cycle at gym at 5 or 6:30 pm
Tuesday: Abs & Arms early morning before boys wake up. Yoga at gym at 4:30 pm Cycle at gym at 5:30 pm.
Wednesday: 11:00 am long Swim~1 mile, followed by a short run on treadmill~2 mile fartlek.
Thursday: 10:30 am Medium Bike ride with boys in trailer~10-12 miles. Yoga at gym 6:30 pm.
Friday: OFF [a yoga video at home before boys wake to stretch and relax]... deep clean house.
Saturday: Long Bike ride early morning~15-20 miles.
Oh can you tell I fell in love with Yoga? I stretched muscles I didn't know I could stretch..like my ankles, sides of calf, middle of back, and more. Oh my it was JUST what I needed. Glad I bought my own Yoga mat at Target the other day. :)
I am kicking off the new year with a little detox. I feel I need it. My gallbladder needs it. Tomorrow all I am going to eat is fruit and veggies all day. Banana's and mangoes for breakfast, snack apple, lunch tomato soup and salad, snack, orange and banana and carrots, dinner tomato soup and cooked veggies with a bowl of frozen fruit for dessert.
Sounds a little crazy right? I use to work at LA Weight Loss and the program started with a "Fast Forward" which is similar to what I am doing except you can eat meat and drink a juice they give you and it's for two days. It helps get all the gunk out and bloating gone.
Then I am all ready to
I've decided... weigh in's will be on Saturday's. Yes. I know I know this is like the 20th time I've changed it. But tomorrow is Saturday and I am
Here is my year in pictures. I am so thankful to God for this beautiful year, and even though we had hard times, like Davey only working 8 months in 2010, He provided for us the whole time. And when we lost our baby, His grace was sufficient and real. 2010 was a year of blessings.
Beautiful 2010
I just gave that jacket [size xxl] to a pregnant friend :) Now happily rocking size L pea coat Davey got me for Christmas.

Cheers with water & a lemon wedge to a happy, healthy and blessed 2011!!
The Curvy Housewife
(yes, new year..new end to every blog:)